Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Romney vs. Obama: The Religious Debate

Although I do not decide who to vote for purely because of a candidate's religious beliefs, I wanted to chime in on the subject. Yes, Romney is a Mormon and they do have some very peculiar religious beliefs which at one time incorporated racism, but only as a sub-text. They definitely do not hold traditional orthodox Christian beliefs.

Obama, on the other hand is much more difficult to pin down. Sometimes he has been caught embracing Islamic teachings, while at the same time reportedly claiming to be a Christian. Even at that, his Christian heritage is that of Black Liberation Theology which is rooted in racism and closely associated with that of the Nation of Islam. It is no more Biblically centered than Mormonism. Practically speaking, however, Obama functions as a pure secularist on the public level. What is secularism but the attempt to govern and make public decisions completely devoid of any religious beliefs and "sacred" books (which is entirely impossible, and I might add, a bit self-contradictory--it is impossible to be value free and neutral as the secularists try to argue).

At any rate, one thing is certain, to call Obama an orthodox, Bible thumping, traditional Christian who identifies himself with the apostle's creed, is just plain wrong. The fact is, neither Romney nor Obama are Christians in the traditional sense. Both candidates have been severely criticized not only by the opposition, but even by their own political allies for not maintaining their supposed religious convictions. Take Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, for example. During a sermon he publicly rebuked President Obama for his endorsement of legalizing same sex marriage. This is regardless of the fact that the two have a history of working together, at the Million Man March, for example.

For more insights as to Obama's connection to Islam, see Conservapedia's article. For the racist and cultic rhetoric of the Nation of Islam, straight from “A Black Theology of Liberation” by James H. Cone (1970), you can check it out here

Meanwhile, here's an interesting chart I found that compares Jewish Orthodoxy with Conservative Mormonism that is friendly to both.

This chart compares Orthodox Christianity with Mormonism (see here for more):

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