Romney certainly isn't my top choice,
but Obama isn't even a possibility for me. Obama strong-arms states
who refuse to fund planned parenthood. (1) He smuggled guns across the
border to create a gun problem to impose tighter gun restrictions. (2) Obama
Care is becoming our worst nightmare. (3) Today my family just received notice
that our deductions will be doubled, thanks to Obama Care. Obama has
appealed to human dignity in politics and the public square, only to
falter in those special occasions when he could have made a real
difference, but he was either too afraid to reach across the isle with an
outstretched hand or he just plain didn't care. (4) He ran on an anti-Bush campaign only to move
troops from Iraq to Afghanistan and now we've forgotten all about
Guantanamo Bay. It has been said that he has only recently changed his
position in favor of homosexual marriage, but his official 2008 platform was to repeal
The Defense of Marriage Act, straight and simple. Once in office Obama rejected it as a
national law and did his best to have it abolished. (5) Because of the one failed green energy handout to what
is formerly known as Solyndra, every US citizen immediately inherited
an additional 2 million dollars debt EACH. People complain about how
Romney is a Mormon, when they have evidently forgotten that Obama has
talks out of both sides of his mouth, claiming to be a Christian and
a Muslim. The truth is, Obama's Christian heritage is that of Black
Liberation Theology which is closely associated with the Nation of
Islam, both of which are racially driven in anti-white supremacy.
Four of our Supreme Court justices are at least seventy-four years old and
will be all the more likely to vacate their seats during their next
term of office. If you have seen how the various decisions have been
narrowly split over the years (such as the Boy Scouts being allowed
to retain their right as a private club to determine who they think
should be allowed to be leaders of impressionable young boys in a
vote of 5 to 4), then you know how important it is to keep Obama out
of office. Obama does not prioritize the religious beliefs of individuals, churches or private organizations.
His recent mandate that every single employer will have to pay for
medical procedures even if it is against their conscience and
religious beliefs is evidence enough of this. (6)
5. Attorneys General, Edwin Meese and John Ashcroft,
called the DOJ's decision not to defend DOMA section 3 "an
unprecedented and ill-advised departure from over two centuries of
Executive Branch practice" and "an extreme and unprecedented deviation
from the historical norm".
6. Catholic Hospitals vs. Obamacare:
6. Catholic Hospitals vs. Obamacare:
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